sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019


¿Morris es un Master Distiller (Maestro destilador del licor)? La prueba al final de todo. ¿Qué es JW Morris?

¿Testigos de Jehová pueden comprar whisky? 

¿Qué dicen los testigos de Jehová sobre el consumo de alcohol?

En su sitio de Internet se habla bastante del alcohol.


 ¿Qué dice la Biblia sobre el consumo de alcohol?

La Biblia nos ayuda a tener un punto de vista equilibrado sobre el alcohol. Conozca lo que dice del asunto.

◄ Salmos 104:15 ►

Versos Paralelos

La Biblia de las Américas
y vino que alegra el corazón del hombre, para que haga brillar con aceite su rostro, y alimento que fortalece el corazón del hombre.

Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana
Y vino que alegra el corazón del hombre, Para que haga brillar con aceite su rostro, Y alimento que fortalece el corazón del hombre.

Reina Valera Gómez
Y el vino que alegra el corazón del hombre, y el aceite que hace lucir el rostro, y el pan que sustenta el corazón del hombre.

Reina Valera 1909
Y el vino que alegra el corazón del hombre, Y el aceite que hace lucir el rostro, Y el pan que sustenta el corazón del hombre.

Biblia Jubileo 2000
Y el vino que alegra el corazón del hombre; haciendo relumbrar el rostro con el aceite, y el pan que sustenta el corazón del hombre.

Sagradas Escrituras 1569
Y el vino que alegra el corazón del hombre; haciendo relumbrar el rostro con el aceite, y el pan que sustenta el corazón del hombre.

King James Bible
And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart.


El Whisky y Morris. 







Dalmore 1263 King Alexander III Single Malt Scotch Whisky (700ml)

Blended Scotch Whisky - Richard Morris - 1960s

 Proof that Morris is a Master Distiller here:




LO SIGUIENTE ES DE LA PRESTIGIOSA CLÍNICA MAYO mostrando los beneficios de alcohol para el cuerpo humano en dosis muy medidas y limitadas:

"Alcohol and Cardiovascular Health: The Dose Makes the Poison…or the Remedy


Habitual light to moderate alcohol intake (up to 1 drink per day for women and 1 or 2 drinks per day for men) is associated with decreased risks for total mortality, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, and stroke. However, higher levels of alcohol consumption are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Indeed, behind only smoking and obesity, excessive alcohol consumption is the third leading cause of premature death in the United States. Heavy alcohol use (1) is one of the most common causes of reversible hypertension, (2) accounts for about one-third of all cases of nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, (3) is a frequent cause of atrial fibrillation, and (4) markedly increases risks of stroke—both ischemic and hemorrhagic. The risk-to-benefit ratio of drinking appears higher in younger individuals, who also have higher rates of excessive or binge drinking and more frequently have adverse consequences of acute intoxication (for example, accidents, violence, and social strife). In fact, among males aged 15 to 59 years, alcohol abuse is the leading risk factor for premature death. Of the various drinking patterns, daily low- to moderate-dose alcohol intake, ideally red wine before or during the evening meal, is associated with the strongest reduction in adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Health care professionals should not recommend alcohol to nondrinkers because of the paucity of randomized outcome data and the potential for problem drinking even among individuals at apparently low risk. The findings in this review were based on a literature search of PubMed for the 15-year period 1997 through 2012 using the search terms alcohol, ethanol, cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypertension, stroke, and mortality. Studies were considered if they were deemed to be of high quality, objective, and methodologically sound.

Informacion adicional:

"The effect of moderate maternal alcohol consumption on birth weight and gestational age in a low risk population"

Author links open overlay panel P.H.Verkerk aB.M.van Noord-Zaadstraa C. du V.Florey bG.A.de Jongea S.P.Verloove-Vanhoricka

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